Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882

Posted in Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882 on 22 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

The Day Dream

La Ghirlandata

The Beloved (The Bride), 1865

La Pia de Tolomei

Dante Gabriel Rossetti est l’un des fondateurs de la Confrérie préraphaélite, avec William Holman Hunt et John Everett Millais. Jeunes étudiants à la Royal Academy de Londres, les préraphaélites contestent la culture artistique officielle anglaise pour son manque de vigueur, de sérieux et de sincérité: qualités qu’ils discernent au contraire dans la peinture qui s’est épanouie en Italie et dans le nord de l’Europe au XVe siècle, avant la Renaissance plus mûre de Raphaël. Ils n’entendent pas imiter le style de cette peinture, mais plutôt sa capacité d' »aller vers la nature », comme l’écrivait le critique John Ruskin, et d’affronter des sujets « sérieux et élevés ».

Gustave Rodolphe Boulanger 1824-1888

Posted in Gustave Rodolphe Boulanger 1824-1888 on 22 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

The Flower Girl


Bartholomeus Spranger 1546-1611

Posted in Bartholomeus Spranger 1546-1611 on 22 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Venus and Adonis


Joachim Wtewael 1566-1638

Posted in Joachim Wtewael 1566-1638 on 22 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Persée and Andromeda 1616, Musée du Louvre

Cephalus and Procris (The Death of Procris), St Louis Art Museum


Charles Antoine Coypel 1694-1752

Posted in Charles Antoine Coypel 1694-1752 on 22 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Muse Calliope


Jean-François de Troy 1679-1752

Posted in Jean-François de Troy 1679-1752 on 22 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Diana and her Nymphs bathing 1722-1724, Getty Museum

Venus and adonis, collection particulière

Pan and Syrinx, Getty Museum

Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, collection particulière

Jean-François de Troy est à la fois un « peintre d’histoire », c’est-à-dire qu’il traite de sujets historiques, mythologiques, moraux ou religieux, mais c’est aussi un peintre qui peut être plus léger, avec des scènes de la vie quotidienne, dans la lignée de Watteau.

Paulus Moreesle 1571-1638

Posted in Paulus Moreesle 1571-1638 on 22 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Mythological portrait, Museum of Fine Art, Boston

Vertumnus and Pomona

Paulus Moreesle, Dutch painter and architect, active in Utrecht, where he helped found the St Lucas guild in 1611. He is best known for his portraits, which are similar to those made by his teacher Miereveld, but less severe. His portraits of shepherds and blonde shepherdesses with a deep décolletage were popular during his lifetime. He designed the Catherine Gate (destroyed) and possibly the façade of the Meat Market in Utrecht.

Jan-Miense Molenaer 1610-1668

Posted in Jan-Miense Molenaer 1610-1668 on 22 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Little girl with a recorder, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem

The duet 1629, Art Museum Seattle

Jan Miense Molenaer was active from 1629. He married Judith Leyster, a noted painter, in 1636. He spent his time in Haarlem and Amsterdam and his earlier works, like those of his wife, are strongly influenced by Frans Hals. The later pictures are more like the genre scenes of Adriaen van Ostade. There are works by him in Amsterdam, Berlin, Boston, Brussels, Frankfurt (Städel), Haarlem, The Hague, London (National Gallery), Stockholm and Vienna.

Paulus Bor 1601-1669

Posted in Paulus Bor 1601-1669 on 21 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Cydippe with the apple of acontius, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Paulus Bor deserves to be better studied as so few of his pictures are at present known and they are all of good quality. He had a successful career and gained important commissions which included part of the decoration of the Huis Hanselaersdijk for Prince Frederick Henry in 1638.
The artist spent some three years in Italy (c. 1620-23) where he stayed in Rome. He was thus able to assimilate not only the general Caravaggesque idiom but also some of the polish which Orazio Gentileschi always gave to his work. Bor then returned to Amersfoort, where he probably spent the rest of his career. The special quality of his painting is the mysterious facial expressions which he gives to his otherwise quite conventional pictures. He adopted a style which is familiar from artists like Jan van Biljert. He has remained, for historians and connoisseurs alike, an independent spirit.

Jacob Ochtervelt 1634-1682

Posted in Jacob Ochtervelt 1634-1682 on 21 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Lady with servant and dog

The music lesson

A Woman reading a letter with two Maidservants

Jacob Ochtervelt was a Dutch genre painter active mainly in Rotterdam, but from 1674 he lived in Amsterdam. He was influenced by Pieter de Hooch and through him by Vermeer. Apart from a few portraits and some early hunting party and « merry company » scenes, his paintings are almost all elegant upper-class interiors, in which he showed off a skill in painting silks and satins to rival that of Terborch. His figures are extremely refined, but there is often a sexual element in his painting.

Kaoru Saito 1931-

Posted in Kaoru Saito 1931- on 21 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Tattoo Girl

Blue robe


Chikanobu Yoshu 1838-1912

Posted in Chikanobu yOSHU 1838-1912 on 20 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Sketches Of Womens Ritual Ceremonies-Lunch

Sketches Of Womens Ritual Ceremonies-Wedding

View of Ladies Customs and Ceremonies


Palma Il Vecchio 1479-1528

Posted in Palma Il Vecchio 1479-1528 on 20 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Portrait of a Young Woman, Museum of Fine Art Budapest

Venus 1520,Gemaldegalerie, Dresden


Tintoretto 1518-1594

Posted in Tintoretto 1518-1594 on 20 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Donna che scopre il seno


Hendrik Goltzius 1558-1617

Posted in Hendrik Goltzius 1558-1617 on 20 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme



Paul Merwart 1855-1902

Posted in Paul Merwart 1855-1902 on 20 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Bacchante with grapes


Shiori Matsumoto 1973-

Posted in Shiori Matsumoto 1973- on 20 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme




Joanna Sierko 1960-

Posted in Joanna Sierko 1960- on 20 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme


Jan van Scorel 1495-1562

Posted in Jan van Scorel 1495-1562 on 20 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Maria Magdalena 1530, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


George Pencz 1500-1550

Posted in George Pencz 1500-1550 on 20 décembre 2007 by Femme Femme Femme

Sleeping woman 1544 (Vanitas), The Norton Simon Foundation

George Pencz worked in Dürer’s atelier. Like his master, he visited Italy and was profoundly influenced by Venetian art. This painting was certainly meant to be a collector’s cabinet piece or bedroom hanging. Pencz has drawn freely from the Venetian examples of Giorgione and his followers, and the painting’s main interest is undoubtedly erotic.